VPN via Web Browser (SSL-VPN) | Gdańsk University of Technology

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VPN via Web Browser (SSL-VPN)

VPN – (Virtual Private Network) is a technique which enables the connection between two machines (computers) with the use of public network (e.g. the Internet) in such a way that the computers ‘can see each other’ as if they were in one network. What is more, a movement in a VPN tunnel can be cyphered.

University staff are offered a remote VPN service, which enables working from a remote location (e.g. home or business trip location), as if the user’s computer was connected to the University network. This option is especially useful to academic teachers who, at home, can fill in exam assessment record lists in Moja PG system. Such a connection generally requires implementing additional software, providing appropriate and valid certificates or performing certain actions, which is sometimes very technically challenging. To meet the expectations, IT Services Centre offers a VPN service in a web browser (SSL-VPN), much simpler to use:

  • without any additional software,
  • without any certificates.

This service will work for "standard" IT services such as the Moja PG portal or the Document Repository system. Obtaining custom VPN access (such as specific workstations) will still require the use of OpenVPN software.

To whom?

This service is available to the university employees who possess active account in Moja PG system.

How to get access?

Access via an Internet-connected device and modern web browser, such as updated Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Opera, or Edge. Go to vpn.pg.edu.pl and log in in the same way as to Moja PG portal.

Where to find user help?

You can contact the Helpdesk if needed. How to contact us see our page.